Wednesday 9 September 2009

New Hard Hitting Ad - Texting at the Wheel

This extremely hard-hitting, very real, gory ad has created alot of attention, even worldwide. It begins with a young girl driving with friends in the car, whilst trying to text. You are taken through this very graphic, bone breaking, horrific accident and everyone else who is involved, right up to the emergency services arriving trying to pull the victims from the wreckage.

I personally think this explicitly brutal ad does have a shock factor that works. Both the Visual imagery and the audio work together to mirror the realness of the situation and exemplify the inherent danger with texting in cars. Some may think it is unnecessarily hard-hitting, but I think it has been designed specifically this way, which makes it re-memorable. Hopefully when your next in the car with your phone you will think twice. If you haven't seen it yet... take a look:


  1. I agree i think it has been very well thought out and executed, I've seen a few of friends posting the link to this video on eachothers wall to get the message across.
    I think when it comes to saving a human beings life then the advertising needs to be hard hitting

  2. I also agree that the shock factor is necessary if they really want to get through to people. This post got me thinking about that recent dont do drugs and drive ad with the bug-eyed teenagers behind the wheel and the tagline 'your eyes will give you away'. There was nothing shocking about it at all, and I dont see how it would deter anyone from driving under the influence of drugs. When you compare it to this clip however, this is much more likely to succeed in making people think twice before texting behind the wheel.

  3. I have never seen this before, it is really shocking, but straight to the point. Despite being very long, it was almost like a story from casualty. There should be more storylines like this on those types of shows it would really make people think.
