For part of a University Brief my blog will anaylse and critically review anything I find interesting and stimulating! From museums, artists, music video's, adverts, books, architecture, places, websites and designs. I hope you enjoy the read!
It simply consists of two synchronized swimmers being filmed (upside-down) underwater, in an ambiently lit pool. Their elegant flowing movements captured, produce alluring shapes that are captivating to watch.
From simply turning the camera upside down, it appears now that the reflective water surface is beneath them and they are floating above. The contrast in the deep mysterious blue and the dazzling white spotlight, creates a magical/dreamy feel to the video, especially through the bubbles which are caught by the light throughout and have be overlaid on top of the clips of the band singing. The atmosphere and mode created in this video works really well with the synths and sounds the Friendly Fires produce.
Ikea have just changed their Futura typeface to Verdana. This interested me as I wondered why would they bother changing something that i personally think works well... basically why try fixing something that isn't already broken!
The Verdana typeface was designed by Microsoft especially for use on the web, due to its easy readability from the wide spaces left between each character, enabling it to be used at small sizes on computer screens. I feel that the slightly quirky/constructivist elements of Futura have been lost in Verdana, which is more modern and a homogenous typeface that does not stand out with originality, but has been used for its exceptional clarity needed in our growing digital age.
An Ikea spokeswoman, Monika Gocic, has said that Verdana is for them because "it is more efficient and cost-effective", therefore has been chosen more from an economics point of view. Verdana enables their business to work across the globe in many different languages, by being clear and unambiguous.
Not only does Secret wars provide an high energy, visual entertaining night, but also gives artists the confidence and platform to raise their profile infront of 100's of people. A spokesman from Secret was said: "Artists can be anyone from a fine artist from Central Saint Martins to street artists and graffiti artists; it's a platform for any artist to come and perform freestyle. There's enough talent out there and they need a place to show.".
Secret Wars live art battles (www.secretwars.co.uk)
Twilight is set in a gloomy, rainy small town named Forks, where Isabella Swan moves to go and live with her father, where she starts a new high school. This is where she meets the very mysterious, irresistible, pale faced, golden-eyed and bronze haired Edward Cullen.
I hardly ever read books, as reading is not one of my strong points. It is something I usually find more of a chaw than an enjoyable hobby, but Twilight was an exciting and hypnotic page-turner, I couldn't put down.
Isabella Swan, otherwise known as Bella is determined to uncover the mystery that surrounds Edward Cullen and his family. Once she discovers his dark secret of his true identity, she becomes closer and more involved with dangerous and risky situations that threaten not only her life, but others that are close to her. Her love for him makes everything she encounters worthwhile and he also will do anything to protect her.
The author Stephanie Meyer writes in a very seductive way, which really encapsulates this teenage love story. It is high in sexual tension that grows even stronger throughout the book as they become closer. Edward has to fight against the will to both make love to her and resist her infectious potent perfume her human body exudes.
I have just started the next book in the series, New Moon and am looking forward to seeing the film adaptation and how well it compares to the read. I really recommend Twilight and especially for those like me, who often find it a little too easy to put a book down!