I began hearing strange sounds and laughing coming from my living room... I went to see what my brother was doing...to find him singing to himself in hysterics, with his earphones in, in his iPhone!
He then played me a recording, where he'd used a dowloaded app called 'I am T-Pain', which had changed his slightly tuneless voice, into this technologic/electronic, studio quality sounding rapper!
His altered voice together with his imaginative, hilarious, on the spot thinking lyrics...something like 'chilllliiiee sauceeeeee.....james turner...james ttttt turminator, t u r m intaor' made me crack up and want to download the app straight away!
'I am T-Pain' auto-tunes your voice, literally in the palm of your hand! It uses the same Antares Audio Technology, T-Pain himself uses in the studio to record his music! Its really simple to use, you simply load the app, then select your favourite song and sing into the mic on your iPhone. You can record each song and publich them over social networks and email. There is also the freestyle option where you just sing/speak into the Auto Tuning Mic, without a companion track!
I think this app is hilarious and will provide hours of fun! Hopefully there will be more apps like his in the future!! SShhorrrttttteeehhhy!!
I want it!!