I was asked as a nominee for the D and AD Student Awards to speak at a She Says Event in London on the 1st July. She Says aims to get more women in and to the top of the Digital Industry, as currently there seems to be a lack of us! They hold events where top females from the Industry share their thoughts and help people get started with their career or help them work their way up. They are also really willing to give you information on anything you want to know about advertising and where to look for it, one to one mentorship and feed you some snacks and drinks...all for free.

Prior to the event I collated all my work and produced a portfolio to be passed around and a pdf version to aid me in my presentation. I was not sure what to expect on the night and whether my presentation was right, but along with the other three women who presented we all gave an individual talk which showed our current selection of work and interests any all went well.

The night was fun, interesting and relaxed. After the presentations we met with other women in the industry and learnt how they got their jobs and what they thought of our portfolios. From this I was offered a two-week work placement at a Digital Agency in London called LBi.
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