Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Jump In My Pool Music Video
It simply consists of two synchronized swimmers being filmed (upside-down) underwater, in an ambiently lit pool. Their elegant flowing movements captured, produce alluring shapes that are captivating to watch.
From simply turning the camera upside down, it appears now that the reflective water surface is beneath them and they are floating above. The contrast in the deep mysterious blue and the dazzling white spotlight, creates a magical/dreamy feel to the video, especially through the bubbles which are caught by the light throughout and have be overlaid on top of the clips of the band singing. The atmosphere and mode created in this video works really well with the synths and sounds the Friendly Fires produce.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Southbank Street Performers
A Perk For A Fortnight

Saturday, 19 September 2009
Sicilian Nightlife in Catania

I visited Catania and experienced the buzzing, friendly nightlife. I definitely stood out as a foreigner in the city, as I was not wearing the norm and sexy look, of tight jeans and tight tops, which nearly every woman... and man seemed to be wearing.
It was unusual to see such a large number of men so well groomed as here. It is obvious that they take pride in their appearance, but so much so that they might be mistaken as homosexual in England! This, together with the more intimate greetings they give each other is something unseen in England.

In the main bar area, most of the customers were stood/seated outside drinking and chatting. There seemed to be no danger of lairy, drunk Sicilians anywhere, just people happy to be out on a Friday night. The only danger you had to be aware of was the crazy erratic driving of Sicilians on their scooters, nipping through all the side streets. If you had a bottle/plastic cup you were free to roam from different bars, across the streets. Making no reason for downing drinks and moving on abruptly, which also added to the relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The middle square was full of people all night. Only at about 3 or 4 am did people seem to move on or go home for the night.
After visiting Catania and experiencing the Italian culture, it made me think about our own and wish it was a bit more like theirs: relaxed, open and friendly. Our weather does not permit such relaxed and communal gatherings in outside spaces very often, but hopefully the UK will become more European in its relaxed social and drinking culture in the future.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
iDaft App
This Certainly Didn't Rock My Boat!

The Boat that rocked, set in 1966, was probably the worst film I have seen in a long time and the worst spent £10 too. I cannot even tell you what the plot was, nothing seemed to happen,. The storyline was almost non-existent. A young private school boy joins the radio rock boat and its all-male crew and DJs. In the meantime the government was making every effort to silence the extremely successful station. Comprised of nearly entirely, lots and lots….and lots, of filler-scenes of different groups of people dancing next to their radios.
The film was not funny, but self indulgingly cringe worthy. It had a running time of 2hrs 10mins, which was far too long. It seemed like torture to sit through it all, but as I had just wasted £10 on buying the DVD, I wanted to see what happened in the end. They attempted to idolise the DJ’s as celebrities in their own time, but I personally found it quite sad that a bunch of 10 or so male egomaniacs where out living on a boat at sea, with no female company (apart from one lesbian cook). Crudely, once a fortnight there was a shipment of slags delivered to them, to comfort and reassure their big egos.
The only truth from the movie was the Marine Offences Act putting an end to the sea bound pirate radio stations. The government wanted to try and shut them down somehow but their popularity made it almost impossible. The frequency used by the pirate ships was said to put the lives of sailors and boats at danger, this was propaganda put out by Harold Wilson’s government of the time and was not true.
In reality I know that pirate radio brought rock and roll to the masses and was something of a cultural phenomenon. The freedom of the DJs brought new artists and new genres of music to the public. The only good part to the movie was the soundtrack, which can be bought separately. Every time the music stopped, you were brought back to the realisation that you were watching a terrible movie. Even nostalgic ex-hippies of the time, including my mum who thoroughly enjoyed working for the main inspiration of the film, Radio Caroline, went to bed early, proving my point!
Monday, 14 September 2009
Pop-Up Bar - The Double Club

Sunday, 13 September 2009
Lucky Voice

Thursday, 10 September 2009


Wednesday, 9 September 2009
New Hard Hitting Ad - Texting at the Wheel
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Set my Peperami Free....lance!!!

Friday, 4 September 2009
Friendly Fires Homecoming Gig

The Mercury-prize nominated band Friendly Fires, returned to their hometown of St Albans last night to an excited local crowd of 900, in the small sold-out venue of the Alban Arena. The gig was said to be for lead singer Ed; "definitely one of the most surreal, bizarre days of my life, but I'm loving it!".

'Jump In The Pool'
'Skeleton Boy'
'In The Hospital'
'White Diamonds'
'Kiss Of Life'
'On Board'
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Twilight The Movie

IKEA: Why fix something that isn’t broken?

Ikea have just changed their Futura typeface to Verdana. This interested me as I wondered why would they bother changing something that i personally think works well... basically why try fixing something that isn't already broken!
The Verdana typeface was designed by Microsoft especially for use on the web, due to its easy readability from the wide spaces left between each character, enabling it to be used at small sizes on computer screens. I feel that the slightly quirky/constructivist elements of Futura have been lost in Verdana, which is more modern and a homogenous typeface that does not stand out with originality, but has been used for its exceptional clarity needed in our growing digital age.
An Ikea spokeswoman, Monika Gocic, has said that Verdana is for them because "it is more efficient and cost-effective", therefore has been chosen more from an economics point of view. Verdana enables their business to work across the globe in many different languages, by being clear and unambiguous.