For part of a University Brief my blog will anaylse and critically review anything I find interesting and stimulating! From museums, artists, music video's, adverts, books, architecture, places, websites and designs. I hope you enjoy the read!
It simply consists of two synchronized swimmers being filmed (upside-down) underwater, in an ambiently lit pool. Their elegant flowing movements captured, produce alluring shapes that are captivating to watch.
From simply turning the camera upside down, it appears now that the reflective water surface is beneath them and they are floating above. The contrast in the deep mysterious blue and the dazzling white spotlight, creates a magical/dreamy feel to the video, especially through the bubbles which are caught by the light throughout and have be overlaid on top of the clips of the band singing. The atmosphere and mode created in this video works really well with the synths and sounds the Friendly Fires produce.